The Private Collection

he Private Collection comprises 13 of Owen's favourite images.

Each image, the product of the artist and the craftsman, is individually printed on paper of the very highest quality. Owen uses his intimate knowledge of his craft and subject and a dedication to perfection to faithfully reproduce the mood captured when he first composed the image.

To start viewing the collection, click on the film strip on the right. To navigate within the collection use the film strip at the bottom of each page. The negative images on the film will take you to the associated print.

Most of the prints in Owen's books can be printed individually, so if you have a favourite that you would like printed, please contact us.

You can order unframed prints directly from Owen for AU$175.00, freight free, world wide. How much is that in your currency? Currency Conversion

Enjoy the 'Private Collection'.

View Collection
Private Collection


Owen Hughes Photography
17 Elizabeth Street
Launceston Tasmania 7250 Australia
Telephone: (03) 6331 1481
Fax: (03) 6331 1483

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© 1985-1999 Owen Hughes